Sunday, November 30, 2014

Virtual betting - It Needs to stop.

Virtual betting , Boils my blood to how betting firms designed  a ponzi  non physical, virtual betting software platform which allows Betting firms  to win 99.9% of the time on these virtual generated games like horses, dogs, bingo, casinos, and f*%king virtual scratch cards ! come on.
Where is the gambling commission  moral ethics  to help protect one's mental state before the dark cloud of addiction engulfs you.

Virtual betting needs to stop. 
Their is no policing policies for online betting firms who use virtual betting. Its all under the same umbrella policy of physical betting.  Virtual betting is creating a new breed of problem gamblers. Fact is if your betting on virtuals you need to stop gambling NOW  just look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why did I  bet €20, €100 on a fictional horse or dog. A creation of the ponzi betting firms who are bleeding you of your self worth and esteem and money. Will betting firms pick up the pieces when it all falls apart after taking your last few penny's and who were also aware of your increasing addiction and in turn  say gamblers choice we didn't force you to bet on virtuals ;) now you're on the street staring through the betting shop window, one of which who used to love you as their own but now your the black sheep of their betting family and in turn they turn you loose onto the streets of the unforgiving world of society that you now find yourselve in.

Don't be their pawn. Don't allow this ponzi creation be the future. Stop the Rot.

helpguide addiction gambling-addiction-and-problem-gambling.htm

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