Sunday, May 04, 2014

#TopRant is anything free in life anymore? FREE=LURE

We all like the idea of getting something for free right? when it occurs it sets off the magic endorphins in our brains similar to the feeling of your horse winning after a photo finish or finally getting the now famous Acca bet up after months of trying
( 1 team let me down but not this fffffing time )
What has struck me lately whether its a betting promotion, broadband, promotion  TV Service promotion is the use of the word FREE but as we know in this age nothing is FREE. more so when  it comes to the world of betting YOU HAVE TO SPEND but also their TERMS & CONDITIONS  will cost you in order to get a free bet. Once the FREE lead is around your neck. Its then very hard to break free, if you do break FREE expect social betting exclusion.They will send emails ,sms to you are you MISSING OUT ! to try hook you back but don't do it RUN RUN while you can your free. A exaggeration I think not, for years now companies( I will use betting as a example) are telling us the consumer how to use our money in order to get a FREE BET or promotion see picture below.
FREE is just a Lure word used by companies
Problem with betting firms now is their approach of developmental psychology which means in a nutshell they research methods in which to trigger and target your urges to gamble that could cause harmful negative consequences. Hence one of those key triggers is the use of the word FREE. Just take the blindfold off when it comes to any promotion with the word FREE!=LURE 
Come to think of it how many cups of coffee did you buy? to get one FREE 
How many happy meals did you buy for your kids to get that FREE toy.

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